Do you need more time and better boundaries? Join the RPs on June 16th to hear from Jayme Durkee! (Check out her full bio below!) She will help you build the routines and habits that can transform your whole life. This is our first IN PERSON Wellness Wednesday in over a year! We are so excited to see all of you at Irontek - refreshments will be provided!
Jayme brings planning, support, and empowerment to overwhelmed entrepreneurs and professionals. With over a decade of experience in planning, process management, and mentoring, she is an expert in helping you identify goals, defining a plan, and executing to grow in your business or career without sacrificing your family or yourself.
RSVP here!
RP Members: FREE
Non-members: $5
About Jayme Durkee
Jayme is an attorney and former management consultant who has over 10 years of experience helping individuals and businesses define, organize, and commit to their priorities to see significant improvement in their projects. Now, she works with families and small business owners to identify goals and craft the legal and operational strategies that will get them there. She's a pro at leading teams through transformation and holding individuals accountable by identifying root issues and key performance metrics. She spends her free time keeping bees, chasing three boys and a giant dog, and listening to audiobooks.
About the Rising Professionals of Beloit
Our mission is to engage, empower and connect rising professionals in the Beloit region through social, professional development and community involvement opportunities.
Interested in becoming a member? Check us out with the link below.