Join the RPs on July 21st to hear from Cindy Leverenz, MDA, PhD! (Check out her full bio and experience below!) This is an in person event and we are so excited to see all of you at Irontek - refreshments will be provided!
Join Dr. Leverenz in this fast-paced, fun hour of exploring Emotional Intelligence (EI) concepts. We utilize Emotional Intelligence skills to navigate our daily lives with the people and situations we encounter. Some of us are more adept than others, and the good news is that EI can be learned and improved. Understanding one’s own emotions, the emotions of others, and then responding appropriately is the foundation of EI. You’ll quickly agree that EI is a much-needed skill in today’s society and workplaces.
About Dr. Cindy Leverenz:
Cindy brings over 35 years of workplace training, leadership, and experiences to her leadership workshops offered through Blackhawk Technical College’s Workforce and Community Development (WCD) division. Starting as a fulltime marketing instructor at the college in 2004, she moved to WCD in 2016 as the Workforce Training Specialist. Her main focus is training leaders at all levels of organizations to become excellent people leaders.
RP Members: FREE
Non-members: $5
Learn more about Cindy (and connect!) here!
RSVP here!
RP Members: FREE
Non-members: $5
About the Rising Professionals of Beloit
Our mission is to engage, empower and connect rising professionals in the Beloit region through social, professional development and community involvement opportunities.
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